False Advertising

San Diego and Southern California False Advertising & Unfair Competition Lawyers

  • Have you purchased a product or service that was falsely advertised?

Under California law, product and service providers must be truthful in the promotion of their product. Attorney David C. Hawkes, Esq., located in San Diego, California, assist clients in holding companies responsible for false advertising.

False Advertising

False advertising is a deceptive practice through which businesses facilitate the sale of their product or service at the expense of the consumer. False, misleading, or deceptive or untrue statements regarding the price, quality, or nature of a product is illegal under both state and federal laws. False advertising affects not only consumers, but the competition as well. A false or misleading advertisement that touts a certain feature, lower price or fails to disclose material information can take a large amount of business away from an otherwise honest competitor. If you feel you were induced to purchase a product or service via a false advertisement, you are likely not alone and may have a false advertising or unfair competition claim.

Individual False Advertising Claims and Class Action Lawsuits

Based on our experience, most false advertising cases involve a flagrant violation of the law, as opposed to a mere mistake. We have the experience and knowledge needed to effectively represent clients in these types of cases. We also have an extensive background in class action litigation and are well-equipped to handle the complexities and costs associated with these legal matters.

Contact Us

False advertising can affect thousands of consumers. For more information or a free, confidential consultation with an experienced attorney regarding false advertising, please contact us.

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