Hidden or Excessive Fees

San Diego, California Hidden Fees Claims Attorneys

  • Has your credit card or bank assessed a fee to your account which is simply unfair or improper?
  • Does your cell phone bill include charges for undisclosed or hidden fees?
  • Is your insurance company charging you more than they promised?
  • Were you charged a fee for a rental car, hotel room, or credit card that was never disclosed?

Despite the fact that hidden fees and undisclosed charges are so common, many people are either unaware that they exist, think that the amounts are too small to pursue, or believe that nothing can be done to combat them. If you have been victimized by hidden fees or undisclosed charges by a credit card company, bank, hotel, rental car company, real estate broker, or other business, contact us for more information or to evaluate your claim.

Attorney David Hawkes, located in San Diego, California, hold companies responsible when they use hidden fees to pad their bottom line. Frequently these deceptive fees are well-concealed and victimize hundreds and potentially thousands of customers.

Hidden or Undisclosed Fees and Charges for Credit Cards and Bank Services

Your bank and credit card company should deal fairly and honestly with you regarding any fees and charges that will apply to your account. Banks and credit card companies are not allowed to assess illegal or improper fees or interest that differ from the terms of the account agreement or simply have no basis. If your bank or credit card statement included charges which you believe to be unfair or improper, contact us to determine if you have a claim.

Improper or Hidden Cell Phone Service Charges

Cell phone agreements typically charge a standard monthly fee for service. Additional fees are assessed for a variety of services or premiums. If you believe you have been improperly or unfairly assessed charges by your cell phone company for cell phone coverage, overage, roaming, text messages, instant messages or other services, contact us to assess whether you may have a claim against your provider.

Hidden Charges for Rental Cars, Airlines, and Hotels

Travel purchases such as booking a flight, renting a car and obtaining a hotel room should be straightforward transactions. On the contrary, businesses providing these services can take advantage of unwary travelers by attempting to sneak in hidden fees or undisclosed charges in an attempt to increase their profits. Businesses may add these improper charges believing that customers will either l not notice them or think they are too small to contest. Contact us if you believe you have been the victim of an improper fee or charge.

Additional Services Where Hidden or Undisclosed Fees May Be Charged

  • Health insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Mutual funds
  • Financial or brokerage firm accounts
  • Health club memberships
  • Internet memberships or services
  • Cable television
  • Monthly subscription based services
  • Baseless “inactivity” fees
  • Prepaid phone cards

Contact Us

For more information or a free, confidential consultation with an experienced lawyer regarding hidden fees or improper processing charges, please contact us.

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