Private Information

Private Identification Information In Credit Card Purchases

California Lawyers Who Protect Consumer Personal Information

If you recently were asked for any personal identification information, such as your phone number, address, or zip code, during a credit card purchase, you may have a claim against the retailer requesting such information. California’s Song-Beverly Credit Card Act was designed to protect the personal identification information of consumers. Absent limited exceptions, retailers cannot request address information, including a zip code, during a credit card transaction.

Retailer Requests For Information In Credit Card Transactions

Retailers often request personal information such as the purchaser’s address, phone number, or zip code for their own benefit. Once the retailer obtains any this information, it can run a reverse search in order to obtain the address of the purchaser. Retailers use this information to include the purchaser on its marketing or mailing lists, or distribute the information to third parties for marketing.

California Prohibits Address And Zip Code Credit Card Requests

The California Supreme Court recently held in an opinion entitled Pineda v. Williams-Sonoma, that the request of a purchaser’s zip code constitutes a violation of the California Song-Beverly Credit Card Act. Violations of the Song-Beverly Credit Card Act are subject to penalties of up to $250 for the first violation and $1,000 for each subsequent violation. If you have made a credit card purchase where your address, phone number, or zip code was requested, a violation may have occurred.

Lawyers Protecting Consumer Personal Identification Information

If you recently made a purchase during which a retailer requested personal information from you, contact lawyer David C. Hawkes, Esq. for a free and confidential consultation about whether you have a claim for the compromise of your private information.

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