Consumer Fraud

San Diego County, California, Consumer Fraud Attorneys

  • Have you been defrauded by a provider of goods or services?
  • Has a business failed to live up to their advertised promises?
  • Has a discount, guarantee or rebate been misrepresented?

Lawyer David Hawkes, located in San Diego, California, provide comprehensive and effective representation for clients victimized by consumer fraud. We have pursued consumer fraud claims based upon:

  • Misrepresentation of a product or service
  • Missing advertised ingredients or benefits
  • Misleading or non-existent guarantees, repair services, rebates or discounts
  • False advertising or statements that are untrue
  • Failure to maintain an adequate supply of a product or service

Representing Those Victimized by Consumer Fraud

Those who guarantee quality products and services and do not live up to these promises must be held accountable. A defective product can result from its insufficient manufacture or design and cause serious injury to the purchasing consumer. If you have purchased a defective or dangerous product that may have been recalled due to safety issues, such as lead paint for example, you may have a legal claim. David Hawkes, have significant experience handling cases on behalf of customers victimized by consumer fraud.

Individual Consumer Fraud Claims or Class Action Lawsuits

Popular products and services that fail to live up to standards can be the subject of either an individual or class action lawsuit. Often, many consumers are “ripped off” through the same scam or defective product or service. A company may continue to profit from consumer fraud until someone speaks up, whether individually or on behalf of others as well.

Contact Us

For more information or a free and confidential consultation with an experienced lawyer regarding consumer fraud, please contact us.

Contact Us Now

David C. Hawkes, Esq.

Free Case Review 858-945-7994