Investigation Regarding Wyndam Destinations or Wyndam Club Timeshare Sales Unpaid Wages and Commission

We are currently investigating potential claims against Wyndam Destinations and Wyndam Club for unlawfully failing to pay all wages and commissions to its timeshare salespersons in California. Because of its potentially unlawful policies, we believe Wyndam Destinations and Wyndam Club likely failed to pay its timeshare salespersons all wages owed, including commissions and time spent working where salespersons could not directly make sales. These claims could also be made by salespersons who worked for or were paid by any affiliated company of Wyndam Destinations or Wyndam Club in California.

If you were a timeshare sales person for Wyndam Destination, Wyndam Club, or Wyndam affiliated employer and believe you may not have been paid all wages due to you, including commissions and time spent working when you could not directly make sales, and wish to speak to an experienced attorney regarding your rights and potential claims, please contact us for a free consultation.

Contact Us Now

David C. Hawkes, Esq.

Free Case Review 858-945-7994